A lot of rubbish has been appearing on social media and elsewhere about what a terrible year 2016 was and good riddance to it.
I beg to differ. In many ways 2016 was a good year.
I recently used the short phrase "shallow new greens" in a comment on a forum and was pulled up for being pompous. That's the trouble with throwaway comments; they often don't convey the intended meaning.
In the current issue of Resurgence & Ecologist an article entitled "Small is Still Beautiful" by Paul Kingsnorth very effectively identifies the dead-end that the broad ecology movement from the 1970s has ended up in with the current political Green direction. Brexit being the lens which has brought this into sharp focus.
Came across this in an essay by Arne Naess called "The World of Concrete Contents". It is a pretty abstruse philosophical essay but this passage stood out:
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