I'd really like to say something about a possible political strategy for the Ecology Movement, and the Green Party as its political wing. But first I'd like to talk about an aspect of the breadth of the green (as opposed to ecology) movement and the relationship between its various parts - its internal ecology if you like.

Following on from the piece on where now for the green movement I'd like to talk about UKIP.  Let us start though by reviewing a bit of green history.

At the start of the recent election campaign I referred to 1974 for a possible lesson from history - well here we are then. Unfortunately not the full February 1974, but pretty close.

We need to start seeding the next civilisation, because this one is finished

Summary: This civilisation (meaning: the vast majority now of human life on Earth) will be transformed:

It will either collapse utterly.

Or it (we) will manage to seed a future successor-civilisation, as this one collapses.

Or this civilisation will somehow manage to transform itself radically and rapidly, in an unprecedented manner, in time to avert collapse.