Many friends over the past month have been either involved in, or distracted by, the election which concludes tomorrow.

Partly because of this I haven't bothered to write anything here (or elsewhere) for the last month. But now, whatever the outcome tomorrow (and personally I think it makes very little difference to the really important issues about how we should be), the time is right to restart lots of discussions.

Over the coming months I intend to shift most of my comments and thoughts on issues and ideas around "green stuff" (ecologism) to this platform.

I will also welcome contributions from others, either as items to publish here (email them to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or as comments on items that get published, or simply as links to your own work published elsewhere (so long as not behind a login/social media wall).

The project here is to work towards a practical approach to living that takes me from where I am today to being contained within a secure and stable ecological niche.

To this end I will be publishing a first guest post on here later today or tomorrow, and aiming to contribute at least one piece a week from myself from July (my internet access during June will be intermittent but I might be able to pop up here).

I hope you will join me.

One of the great unexpected pleasures of working with David Taylor on the Green History project ( is the discovery and re-discovery of many books published between 1970 and 1990 covering various aspects of "green-ness". Also of course there is lots of older key source material to be found as well as post 1989 attempts to round up or summarise the experience of the 70's and 80's.

CompassRose1 150x150Boxing the compass is a sailor’s exercise where all 32 points of the mariner’s compass are named in clockwise order starting from North. On board ship it is essential for everyone to be using the same technical language without pause for thought in order to communicate essential information.

So here's the scenario - a conservative prime minister faced with problems over Europe, continuing and growing economic difficulties, opposed by Labour in disarray and Liberals reduced to a taxicab-full  calls a snap election. The commentariate and the opinion polls predict an easy conservative win.